Blue Green Works

Since its inception in 2020, Blue Green Works has established its own take on elegance that is decidedly American, marked by an emphasis on visual simplicity, straightforward clarity of construction, and a sophisticated use of materials. For designer Peter B Staples this means creating works that are visually impactful, without ever being overly fussy.
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His design ethos is in dialogue with our contemporary culture without engaging in generational trends. Two concepts remain at the forefront of Staples’s mind during his design process: “playing well with others” and dressing “day to night.” Sociability is important: each Blue Green Works fixture must have a sense of ease. He explains, “I want pieces that have a distinct personality and strong allure, without upstaging the other objects around them.” Much design consideration is given to versatility, often pieces can be further customized through both modularity and finish treatment: “simple changes allow them to emit different energies.”
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2025  “Nicole Hollis Dining Room” – The Future Perfect, Los Angeles, CA

2021  “Blue Green Works” – The Future Perfect, New York, NY